Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Nexus of Evil

Is located at the intersection of Liberty and Mays in Round Rock, Texas.

On the Northwest corner: the most delicious donuts... EVER: Round Rock Donuts. The Cinnamon Twists and Fried Cinnamon Rolls are not to be missed, but the Chocolate Covered Round Rocks are the most delicious, dark, chocolatey confection ever.

Whoopsies, how did that get in there?

And on the Southeast corner: the most perfectly shaved, perfectly syruped, perfectly perfect shaved ice: Kawaii's.

Both of these establishments thoughtfully installed drive-thrus, providing a handy shortcut between Me Now and Me With Sticky Fingers And Five Bucks Lighter.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Stress, Continued. Because It's Not Going Away, Damnit.

Still waiting. Waiting, waiting, waiting to see if this will be OK. It's playing hell on my eating. Stress makes my brain not function. Food is rotting in the house, I can't THINK to prepare meals, half the time my appetite is zilch, the rest of the time I'm downing donuts and shaved ice.

Tomorrow I'll try to get us to the store to get some more good food, and I'll try to make it for us. I can't even think. I'm done thinking for now.