Sunday, October 18, 2009

Day 6: About Me

I am a seriously unhealthy person, but it's my own damn fault, and it's totally fixable. I think.

I have unhealthy relationships with food and exercising.

In short, I eat a ton of total crap. I don't want to, but I love it (most of the time), and I can't stop myself. I dislike a lot of healthy food, such as most vegetables. I'm also way low on energy and money, and I'm a pretty bad cook. Annnd I hate exercising.

In my Month of Healthy Living, I'm trying hard not to eat the junk, to eat more healthy foods like vegetables and lean proteins, and to move more. In that order. I'm trying to post here every day. I know accountability to myself is most important but I suck at that, so if YOU guys will hold me accountable and that helps me do better, at this point I will totally go for it!

So if I stop posting here, please email me and kick my ass. Please encourage me, and bang your head in frustration with me, and celebrate with me, and chastise me, and pat my back when I'm crying.

Wanted to write more but have to get the household to bed. Another thing I suck at: time management.


  1. I'm reading and following. Keep posting! It's a big help to me (us).
