Friday, July 10, 2009

my curtain call

i have noticed that my body, mind, and soul are asking for more space. i want to create space. i find myself purging much like babs. i haven't touched my wardrobe (there's not much in there to begin with) but i've caught myself going through old files, craft supplies, kitchen cabinets, everywhere else in my physical surroundings to create space. i'm creating space in my body (gotta love reiki).

space, space, space. the more i create it the more i want it. call me a space junkie.

then i realized just how much of my time is consumed by al gore's internets. i follow more blogs than i can keep up with. instead of savoring the ones that call to me on a particular day, i find myself hastily clicking through each one for the sheer sake of saying i got through them.

so why am i opting to end this part of my journey? well, after all, the 30 days have come and gone so i guess, technically, i'm not under any obligation to remain. but more importantly this is a lesson i want to learn because i find i don't like closures, i don't like goodbyes, i don't like endings. given, i'm in the thick of it right now because of our decision to put our dog to sleep tomorrow, but take that out of the equation and i still want to practice my endings and i feel safe enough to do it here.

so i leave you with some classic ABBA:

1 comment:

  1. Welp, I'll miss you, but I'm proud of you for recognizing your need for space and working to give it to yourself. Will you still check in now and then?
