Thursday, July 2, 2009

What I've learned...and the week isn't even over

this started out as a comment to e's mama...but it's probably too long for that
I've learned that I really can't do anything for 30 days
wasn't that the tag line...we can do ANYTHING for 30 days?
okay...i take it back, I can be mindful and recognize what I can and cannot do
I've been mindful that I haven't always done what I set out to do
and I guess that's something

I've also realized that today, I wish I were where I was 6 months ago, and 6 months ago I wished I were where I was 6 months before that and I always wish I were where I was post ww...and when I was there, in every instance, I still wasn't happy with the shape I was in. (previous post validates that I am happy with the shape that I am...but not always the shape I am in)
So today...I realize that there is the REAL possibility that 6 months from now I will be longingly looking at the size I am now (the one I currently can stand).
So today, I appreciate where I am and somewhere inside I know that is a start
I'm sure I am not where I was because I never appreciated what I had accomplished
So today, I love where I am and honor where I am and focus on the shape that I am instead of the shape I am in.

I'm gonna go make some juice now
Then the day is packed with things that build up my daughter and light the mama spark in me
and I'm gonna wear my awesome gypsy skirt and a funky skater T and my fave chunky jewelry and be the bohemian-crunchy-skatepunk mom I know that I am...heck maybe I'll even throw in a little kitsch while I'm at it

Have a great day ladies!

(a...I always wish I had bought that awesomely cheesy christmas tree dress from that antique place in Austin...i SWEAR if I ever come across one again it's MINE and our family's christmas tree will forever be a kitschy mannequin!)

1 comment:

  1. you know, that's more than a lot of people could realize in 30 days. i say mark your calendar for january 1 (6 months from your post...oh, and the start of a new year...ha!). maybe glue this blog entry to 1/1/10.

    i haven't held up my end of the deal i made with myself when i started: apple a day lasted the first week, exercise hasn't been as frequent, but i find that i have opened up in other ways that i wouldn't have guessed i could do 30 days ago.

    that store isn't even in business bummer. :(

    anyway, you know that book sitting on your shelf for the past 8 months? the mastery of love? open it up and read chapter 10. i just finished chapter 10 last night. you may not understand some of the examples that were given in previous chapters but you'll get enough of it.

