Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Today is 30

didn't we start this escapade on June 8th or somewhere thereabouts
so how are we feeling
I know I'm better than where I started
I know this how?

Because now, instead of wanting to lose weight because I don't like my body
I want to lose weight to feel comfortable in my body
there's a difference
It's not because I want to wear the skinny jeans (funny, I originally typed sinny jeans)
It's because I want to feel comfortable, when I sit, when I stand, when i wear shorts, when I run around in the yard with my kids
it's not a size
it's a feeling
and that'd definitely better

I also know this because not long before I started this adventure with you fellow beauties, I ate enough food for 4 people in one sitting...alone
and tonight, while out with the hub, we intentionally ordered enough food for 4 people (coz someone else foot the bill) and tasted and sampled each course
and I don't think I even ingested the equivalent of what one person would've eaten
we enjoyed our night out AND we have left overs galore for tomorrow
that's progress

So does tomorrow start another 30?
What's your intention?
What will you do differently
What will you do the same
It's okay to call a mulligan...after all, you're still in the game :)

My goals for this 30?
continued mindfulness
and moving 30 minutes a day for 3 days each week


  1. huh, feels longer than 30 days. i think i've learned that i feel better when i don't try as hard. i dont think i've followed through on the habits i intentionally set out to do on day 1 (i don't think i can even remember all of them). i've worked out some, ate apples even less but somehow--overall-- i feel better for it. so i think i'll k.i.s.s. and just work on "continued awareness."


  2. What's a Mulligan? And what's k.i.s.s.?

    I've learned that it feels way better to do this.

  3. a Mulligan is sort of a "do over" in golf
    you can drop the ball from a different location if you hit it into the woods, or the water, or slice it so far left that you can't even find it

    keep it simple sweetie (okay, it's really keep it simple, stupid...but I don't believe in name calling :P)
