Wednesday, July 8, 2009


This week has been an exercise in mindfulness for me
Non-judgemental awareness
And so far I've been quite proud of what I've been able to be aware of
Mostly, as it pertains to food, I've been mindful of whether or not I'm "actually" hungry.
That's a interesting one for me because I don't always eat when I'm fact when I binge, I'm the furthest thing from hungry but I never feel full so again...this has been an interesting exercise.
I can't explain it any other way than mindful, maybe "intellectual" ??
like...I 'know' I'm not really hungry because I just ate lunch an hour ago so why do I want to eat
at times I've realized I'm bored
one time I realized I just didn't like the taste in my mouth

I've also been applying the strategy while I eat
checking in to see how I'm feeling during my meal
this one has floored me because I've truly eaten about 2/3 LESS than I would've a week ago
I've pushed food away (even thrown it out...gasp!)

I've not really changed the KINDS of food I'm eating so I'm not necessarily being UberDietWoman and living off of carrot sticks and grapes...which has been nice because I'm not feeling deprived.
I guess I'm having what I want, when I truly want it, and having just enough of it to satisfy the want.
Now lest you think I'm doing this perfectly...pop over to my blog and read the popcorn fiasco from the other day...mindfulness doesn't mean mistake free!

Tonight the hub and I are going on a date
I won a $125 dining certificate and we're hitting Bob Marley's-A Tribute to Freedom. I've checked the menu and there are tons of yummy things to eat. (I'm going for the Summer Down appetizer, Manchester Lamb Entree, and Boston Bay for dessert.) We have $125 bucks to spend (and that doesn't include alcohol) so we've already decided to sample a bunch of things with a "taste here and a taste there."
Oddly enough...I'm not scared by that thought
I'm actually really excited
Maybe it's the "i didn't have to pay for it so I don't have to clean my plate" mentality
Maybe it's the practice in being mindful and the going in prepared

The wii says I'm down 2.4lbs this week
We'll see what the average is at the end of the week because if there's one thing I've learned in my weight loss carreer is that i fluctuate up and down within a spectrum of 8lbs in a month so I'm a trend line kind of girl not a day to day kind of girl

But I've wii'd
I've juiced
I've been mindful
and this will be the 2nd date with my hub this week :)

My doldrums were definitely oppressive last week
I decided to be intentional about at least one thing per day so I could feel a sense of accomplishment (whether it was weight related or not)
and i'm feeling better this week


  1. send me some leftover Marley's!!!

    i hear ya on the weight thing. i ovulated then BAM the boobies gained 3 pounds each.

    i love how you said you didn't like the taste in your mouth. i've never thought of it that way and will have to catch myself to see if i eat for that reason.

  2. "Maybe it's the "i didn't have to pay for it so I don't have to clean my plate" mentality"

    I totally struggle with this. I told DH one day and he said the way he feels about it is, once he's paid for something it doesn't matter whether he finishes it or not, because the paying is already done. Damn, he said it much better than me. But I try to consciously think about that whenever I'm feeling that "gotta finish because I paid money for this" way.

    Unfortunately, a lot of the time the "gotta finish this" isn't tied to money. I don't know what the hell it's tied to. I really need a therapist.
