Saturday, June 27, 2009

eh, nothing good, nothing bad

this week was a stalemate. didn't feel like working out wednesday and realized why: i ate like crap that day....lots of refined sugar....and i had no energy. then friday i had 3 packages of those little debbie things while at work (and the handful of hershey's kisses). when i'm bored = i eat. i'm often bored at work therefore i eat. anyone have a little bit of lotto money left over so i don't have to work and eat?

didn't go the gym friday either because i opted to go work in the community garden at my kid's school. i figured i was going to sweat just as much (even at 7 pm!) and i did. i felt more productive since i was also contributing some TLC to the garden and came home with a nice mini-watermelon to boot.

today is the hubby's birthday. he asked for a chocolate cake. good. because i don't like chocolate cake. i'll probably have a very small piece. i KNOW i'll have a very small piece. i WILL have a very small piece. and i'm not buying ice cream to go with it because i know i would eat the whole quart if given the opportunity. he didn't ask for ice cream so, whew!

everyone ready for the nice cold front we're supposed to get? only 99 degrees today. woo hoo! break out the parkas. god, i can't wait for october.



  1. "good. because i don't like chocolate cake. i'll probably have a very small piece."

    Why did you want a piece when you don't even like it? If you can explain to me, it would be most helpful for my own struggles. *sigh*

  2. um, yeah, that IS a good question. i dunno, really. because it's a celebration? a bad habit of being polite? because i can't just sit in front of something and NOT eat it, even if i don't like it? maybe my lack of a clear answer helps.

    we ended up with chocolate cupcakes and i think i had 1/4 of one because it was too rich (in addition to being chocolate).
