Thursday, June 18, 2009

ughhh and ahhh all in the same day

today is good
packed up the bikes and went for a ride (off road and bike trail) with the hub and Bm
visited my dad and the hub made us all a great lunch while the pops and i jabbered with our hands
i felt good in my helmet and bike shorts
NO, i didn't look good in my bike shorts but there's something about all the gear that reminds me of when I used to hit the trail for 20 mile rides like it was nuttin
and I love cycling
so it was good

because my arms are fat
large blouses swallow me
but medium blouses
well the arms are just too damn small
if there's a button, i have to unbutton
if there's no button, i'm S.O.L.
this is new for me
I don't like it

I choose the ahh instead of the ughh
finishing my glass of wine (in my nifty wine glass with the blue stem)
and headed to the grocery store

1 comment:

  1. ah yes, the arms. i got 'em, too. surgeon wasn't kidding when he said (post-lipo) that if i gained weight, it would come back in other places and it did...those arms! arms that would look good and feel appreciated if Rubens were still alive but HE'S NOT SO TAKE THEM TO THE FIERY PITS OF HELL PLEASE (ahem). feeling quite like the chic in The Fall of Man but with waaaay bigger boobs. --angel
