Friday, June 26, 2009

I'm still here!!!

Shit, I keep forgetting about this blog. But! Things are good. Normally when I disappear from something like this, it's because I fell off the wagon, am in denial, and hiding in shame. Not this time! I've just been busy living. And the living is good! I'm 9lbs down, eating lots of fresh fruit and veggies, and wearing tank tops. The wearing tank tops part is huge. In the past, I'd shy away from tank tops, swimsuits, and anything that showed too much skin because I was terrified of showing my flab. (Like you couldn't tell if it was there if I had on a cardigan!) Anyhow, the flab is certainly still there but my attitude has changed. I am who I am RIGHT NOW and there's no need to hide that under layers when it's 107 fucking degrees outside. I'm wearing a strappy sundress in size 16 right now and loving it.


  1. woo hoo!!! yes, blame the heat for any lapses because it's effing hot! and you can subscribe via email so you don't forget about the blog!

  2. oooh, emailed posts, awesome! Thank you!

  3. Okay, so now you need to post a rip roarin'post about just HOW you accomplish this.
