Sunday, June 7, 2009

inspiration station

okay, here's what's driving me to get through this month of healthy living.

i'm not one to keep "skinny clothes" around as inspiration because they've never succeeded in the past. but something about this goodwill goodie caught my attention. maybe because it's what i *felt* when i saw it. i could feel the kind of person i would be when wearing this skirt. so it's hanging in full view in my closet. and i'm printing copies of this photo for my car (where i often binge on fast food), for my work badge (where i often binge in the break room), for my wallet (where i often reach for my debit card to buy fast food as a comfort), and another one just for good measure.

karen: damn girl, that's a lot on your plate! can you prioritize the lists so we can help you stay on track?



  1. That is one cute freakin' skirt. Seems like a decent enough motivation to me!

  2. Rock on! I want to see a picture of you in that skirt come July.

    I'm not prioritizing my list - except I suppose the eating parts are most important - because I want to do this in a crazy life-upside-down way.

  3. July???? Honey, I'm a size 12/14 right now and that thing is an EIGHT. Used to be a time several years ago that an eight would sit loose on my hips but it's gonna take about 20 pounds or so to get back into that.

  4. Well then, a photo whenever you can fit into it!
