Sunday, June 21, 2009


Give me a check in, mamas. We're over the starting hump, don't let's loose steam now.


  1. I'm here!
    Heard my hunger cues this week (didn't ALWAYS listen to them, but I recognized listening is this week's goal)

    Bought 3 pairs of shorts...(yes a, THREE pairs) and am even wearing some now.
    I've decided, for now, I am more than how my legs look in shorts. I'm actually comfortable in these and it is a hell of a lot cooler!

    I've decided 7 was fun, and fulfilling, so while it may not be 7 every week, it will definitely be more...and sex doesn't have to be full on...we had some really great intimate time too

    I had the most wonderful birthday.
    I'm full on blogging about it on my other site...popover and read there

    And ...each of you is on my heart... and when you're on my heart, you're in my prayers so may blessings abound to all this Summer Solstice/Father's day

    to all fathers, and all who create and inspire Fathers today
    Oh happy day :)

  2. i'm here.....i've been burned out on technology and it's been nice....went to hamilton pool today for father's day and really enjoyed it. wore the one pair of shorts i found crammed into the back of the closet...some of that stretchy yoga style fabric...looked at other women in bathing suits and studied their bodies to learn what would look good on mine....going to hit the stores to buy a suit in the next 2 weeks...still don't care much for shorts...just spent an hour in the hannock with my kiddo doing absolutely nothing while hubby napped upstairs...tomorrow night i'm forgoing the exercise to go to an intuitive art class...should be interesting

  3. And I'm here. Doing ok. This weekend was hard but I made it through. Small freakouts and a little overeating but not bad.

    Isntead of feeling back, I just remind myself that "tomorrow is another day" and start over.


  4. e's mama said "wore the one pair of shorts i found crammed into the back of the closet...some of that stretchy yoga style fabric..."

    Wow! That's big for you, right?

    Lani, you have a good solid attitude. That's the most important thing to reach your goals, really. I'm cheering you on!
