Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Well, well

So I said I was going to do this and ... well, then I forgot about it. This seems to be my MO for just about any new 'program'. I have been being better about cutting my portion sizes, eating more slowly and only eating until I'm full. Somehow, though, it doesn't seem to do much when all you're eating is sweets. I can eat those until I'm full and *still* gain weight. Imagine that?!

With that, my goals
* Get my 5 a day - a mix of fruits and veggies, and yes, I'm counting the can of V8 as one because otherwise it's damn near impossible for me.
* Eat in more often - the kids and I eat lunch out almost every day. Which means that we throw away a lot of the leftovers that we could be eating for that meal, and that we spend money that we really shouldn't be spending. I know we can't give up the Thursday trip to Chick Fil A without my kids rioting, but if we can keep it to just that one - Win!
* Maintain my slow, conscious eating - as a mama this is *HARD*. I eat on the run. I eat quickly so I don't have to share. I clean up after my kids without even realizing it.

I'm sure there's more, but those are the ones that come to me quickly. I'll be back...

1 comment:

  1. I think you have to make such a conscious effort not to munch what's left on the kids' plates. Keep doing it, and keep doing it, and keep doing. Plus, if you don't finish their food, you can cobble it together for a leftovers meal for them later. FTW!
