Tuesday, June 9, 2009

ever wondered what 7200 calories looks like?

3 boxes of donuts, each box holding a dozen donuts, assumed calories are 200 per donut. voila = 7200 calories. i should thank my boss because this image has seered itself into my brain and i don't think i'll crave another donut ever again. i didn't even eat one this morning, which is a daytime television SHOCKA so either the sight of so many donuts in one place grossed me out or it's because i'm sick and have no appetite (the pieces of paper were there for people to record which brand was their favorite).

in other news, i walked last night. went to the local pond where, years ago, i worked my way up to a jog, figuring maybe i left some good mojo there to get me up to a jog again in the next few weeks. the first song on my ipod was mystikal's shake ya ass, which was fine because my ass shakes quite well without much effort. note to self: add more crystal method to my ipod. makes me feel bad ass. and find a good remedy for shin splints.

question du jour: how will you monitor your progress over the next 30 days? what milestones will you notice? i'm not weighing myself. i did that back in the WW days when i ate carrots for a living and lost 20 pounds in 4 months. i think i'm forcing myself to go with a more intuitive measure of accomplishment this time.



  1. Those really don't even look all that great

    I took Bm and her buddy to DD this morning for breakfast. I had coffee and a banana and juiced when I got home. Even in the face of all those donuts...even the peanut one Bm had and the ummmm chocolate glazed one her lil buddy had...didn't faze me. You've gotta read "no wonder i'm so tired" in my confessions blog...I'm still reeling over the epiphany :)

  2. How wrong is it that I clicked on the picture to get a better view? God, I love Round Rock Donuts. They have the best chocolate glaze. I'm pining away over here.

  3. Monitoring progress... I'm going on how I feel mainly, how uncomfortably my pants dig in, and a weigh-in every once in awhile. When you weigh as much as I do, that number DOES matter, because there's no way to be healthy at this weight. Unless you're in the NFL I guess?

  4. yeah, well, I opened up the fridge at work today and grossly underestimated the number of donuts. turns out my boss only pout out one box of each. in fact, she bought THREE boxes of each so take that 7200 calories and triple it. nauseating.
