Wednesday, June 10, 2009

New House!

Okay I'm really psyched...a BRAND NEW house!
Met with the builder today and gave very specific instructions
Definitely DO NOT want a giant garage door as part of the front of the house...who thought this was a good idea anyway? where's the curb appeal in that
I don't want all the bedrooms down the same hallway
I don't want my back windows to be left untrimmed...who cares if they can't be seen from the road, I can seem em when I'm in the back yard!
I don't want to look into my neighbors house from my kitchen window...or any other window for that matter
I don't want an electric range
I don't want white fixtures in the bathrooms
I don't want light fixtures with two sets of switches coz screw the convenience, it bugs the hell outta me when the light switch is "on" but the light is off! (its OCD creeping up on me)
I don't want sliding glass doors and I don't want the master closet enclosed with the master bathroom.

I think it was a great meeting...we're expecting the plans by the end of next week and I just know they'll be EXACTLY what I want!

Just sayin...


  1. LMAO
    I was actually just about to delete the post coz I realized NONE of you (save one) know me and are probably thinking "why doesn't she just shut up"
    then I saw there was a I had to read it before I hit delete
    maybe I'll leave the post after all :)

  2. Leave it! This is our blog, we can post whatever we want.

    You are still a bitch though.

    (And I am green with envy, but I am TRYING not to be because that seems unfaithful to my own house that I LOVE but wish I could fix up more than I can afford right now and I love run-on sentences don't you?)

  3. i don't punctuate when i'm in the flow :)
    If you knew me, this would sound JUST like me...punctuation would make it sound like someone else...just ask e's mama :)

    oh...and don't be jealous
    I was speaking metaphorically of course
    I have a follow up post coming soon

    but interesting that you are concerned about seeming unfaithful to your you DO know that you need to love what you have before you can get what you want ;)

  4. just don't end your sentences with a preposition or you'll feel the wrath of B ;) (even though supposedly it's now acceptable to do that....another case of language use creating the rules....what'd they go and do that for?)

  5. Grammer, shmammer.

    PS Even though there are more things I want, I do ADORE our house. We fell in love with it the first time we saw it. My brick and mortar house that is. The flesh and bones one, not so much.
