Friday, June 12, 2009


stopped myself while reaching for my 3rd buttermint

eat real food...obviously you want some

retrieved the pear from my lunch back

score one for the gipper


  1. And I had a half a cupcake today and very little of the icing! Which was better than the whole cupcake I was going to eat.

    And a cheeseburger and half the fries.

    I figure it's a victory for self-restraint!

    We'll see what the scale says tomorrow but I'm down 3 lbs over the last week so I'm hoping I just hold on to that. And then keep moving down again...soon...after I stop eating 1/2 cupcakes and cheeseburgers. :-)

  2. I always hear lots of internal cheering whenever I can stop myself from the automatic hand-grab-junk reflex. I hope you heard the same cheering!
