Tuesday, June 23, 2009

getting closer every day

just adding this song because it's in my head today

took a good look at my schedule since it's started this summer. kid in new school. MUCH closer and on my beaten path. realized how less stressed i am now that we have a shorter commute (my house to school to work in less than 30 minutes whereas old commute was 40 minutes just to school) . i've had to adjust my work schedule and start 30 minutes later because of the school's summer program. realized how much more i like having those 30 minutes to ourselves. like it so much that i've decided it will be a permanent change in my schedule come fall. from 29 hours a week (the max number of hours i can work at my position) to 27.5 a week. i hemmed and hawed because we'll lose a couple of hundred dollars a month over that small decrease in hours but i FELT so good as i saw that new schedule that i realized the decrease in stress far outweighs the financial adjustment. money isn't everything, even when everyone needs it.

also felt proud of myself for figuring out a way to get in a workout FIVE DAYS A WEEK in the fall. i already have 3 days guaranteed (hubby gets TThSat and I get MWF). But, just by letting kiddo stay an hour later after school twice a week (costing me only an extra $13 a week), i have time to go work out. the bonus is that it will happen on my two "solo parenting days" and those are the two days where i always neglect to find time for myself. but now i've gifted myself with exactly what i need on those long days.

not related: yesterday i was craving a chick pea-cucumber-parsley salad so i made one this morning for lunch and loved it. felt really good to be able to go out into our garden and snip a few sprigs of parsley to put in it. yum. i think tonight calls for cucumber and mashed potato sandwiches (insert smile directed at b).

i know, ramble ramble ramble. hopefully this touches someone.


  1. you just made the kids want cuke and squished spud! Guess I know what we're having for lunch on Thursday...the garden needs to grow quicker then they can have them whenever they want

  2. I just have to say, EVERY post on here touches me. We're all so awesome for being here and doing this.
