Wednesday, June 17, 2009

One Week!

Holy shit, mamas! How do you feel? Are you glad you're doing this? Are you at peace, or all you all in a tizzy? Are you feeling success? Are you proud of you?

I want to know:

  • How did Erin's babysitting night go?
  • Is Shannon feeling fuller at mealtime with smaller, fiber-rich meals?
  • Is Angel a step closer to her new skirt?
  • Is Melia closing in on her five-a-day fruits and veggies?
  • What does Babs' husband think of all the sex?!
  • What happened to Lani???

As for me, well. Let me just say NO SODAS OR JUNK BINGES FOR ONE WEEK!!!!!!!!

Previous Stats:

Weight: ugly
Energy level: dismal
Eating habits: nauseating

Current Stats:
Weight: hoping for ugly minus one. I don't actually have a scale (unpacked from the move 11 months ago) here at home, but I weighed myself at my Mom's house last week (hi Mom!) and will do so again tomorrow. My fingers are crossed super judo pretzel zen twisty tie style.
Energy level: not quite as dismal
Eating habits: awesome in comparison

Things I'm afraid to voice aloud in case it jinxes them:

Arms: maybe a wee bit less plump???
Energy level: approaching something closer to human???
Mood swings: somewhat more even keeled???
Waking Up In the Morning: possibly slightly less difficult???

No matter WHAT happens in the journey ahead, I am so, so glad I came this far. I DID it. I haven't done quite as well as I wanted, but I DID it. NO sodas. NONE of the junk on my Nix list. Healthier, regular meals? Check. Getting out with The Boy more? Check. Massive mind struggle against heavyweight cravings? Check. Success??? CHECK.

Let us celebrate with a little Evolution of Dance, just because it feels soooo good.


  1. Way to go Karen!
    What a huge success for your TA DA list!!!
    I'm not quite sure my hub has figured out what's going on yet...but he's a happy hub
    I keep waiting for the "gee you're feeling spicy this week" comment ;)
    Must be the juice
    heh heh

  2. For me, I don't think it's so much stepping closer to getting into that skirt but the feeling I get when I think of who I am in that skirt. I walk/jog 4 times a week: 3 times at teh gym and once at the pond. Every time I'm at the gym, I add .2 miles of jogging into my 2 mile walk so I think I'm around a little more than 1/2 mile jog right now (not straight, broken up in between walk time). I will add strength training to it as my jogging increases (because jogging 2 miles takes less time than walking so I'll have more time at the gym for weights).

    I was aiming for 4 nights of stright sex with hubby since we never have 7 nights together in a row. We made it thorugh 2 nights then he wasn't interested in the 3rd night (yes, he was in on it) No big deal.

  3. Go Karen!! Gaining energy is a huge motivator for me -- this 4-year-old gives me a run for my money every day. In answer to your question, I am feeling fuller at night after a fiber-rich dinner. So, instead of going to sleep hungry or wanting a snack before bed, I'm able to go to sleep fine and maybe even sleeping better, which is always a good thing.

  4. I'm here! I've been doing fairly well actually. I've surprised even myself. I'm not on a strict diet, just trying to eat WAY LESS sugar (no more 3 chocolate cookies for $1 at McDonalds. those are soooo good.) and less food in general. I've actually woken up hungry a few times which is quite unusual for me since I am constantly eating.

    But, I've been thinking about what I'm putting in my mouth and why and that pause has been helping. Since a couple of weeks ago, I've lost 5 lbs.

    Now I need to add some exercise time in. And, they maybe I can face 7 days of sex with DH. Heck, he'd be happy with 1. :-)

    And thanks to Karen for starting this and everyone who posts. I read this every night and get inspired all over again!
