Thursday, June 11, 2009

Our Builder is a Butthead

I couldn’t have made it any clearer could I
I mean we spent a couple of hours with the guy planning our dream house
He actually called my husband last night and said he couldn’t do the job
He said it was MY fault
Hey bub, you’re the one with the business name “DREAMBUILDERS” so shut up already and go build my dream

He said that I never told him what I wanted
Can you believe it!

After I huffed and puffed for a while, my hub said “well, you DID just give him a list of “nots,” you never really told him what you wanted

Oh, now you’re on HIS side! Listen, I’ve lived in this shack for 3 years now and am definitely ready to get out so don’t tell me I didn’t give him ideas! Grrr…now I have to go find another builder and did I mention…the A/C is out again! You guys in Austin think you have it bad…you ain’t seen summer in Florida and it’s not even officially summer!

I hate this place
The neighbors suck, the feral cats drive us nuts, the windows are a joke (we have air leaks galore), there is no closet space and you can’t even turn around in the master bathroom…what’s so master about that! The kitchen is pretty cool but that’s because I just re-deco’d, the floors suck because the previous owners didn’t know anything about floating a floor before installing…so tiles with cracks and cheap laminate flooring…joy
The tops of my thighs are bigger than my hips and my hips are already pretty big to begin with. I have tiny shoulders and a tiny waist but the girth of my biceps has grown so none of my shirts fit…my arms look like stuffed sausages oh, and did I mention my double chin? I used to think it only showed when I smiled a certain way but an hour in front of the mirror proved me wrong on that one ( a crooked mirror, off centered from the vanity to boot!)

I wish I could feel happy in my own skin. I want long hair and a glow about me. I want strong shoulders and biceps and a beautiful curve to my torso. I want to see my collar bones again and have definition to the shape of my face. I want my tattoos to peek out from under the hem of my shirt and show my womanly, healthy, natural curves. I want ankles!

I want a window over the kitchen sink and I want the washer and dryer in the kitchen. I want my mud room converted into my office and project space so I can take the computer out of our bedroom. I want an entire bookcase wall and defined space for our musical instruments: drums, 9 guitars, trumpet, keyboard, all the amps, the violin and all the hand percussion. I want flow from the kitchen/eating area into the living area so we can all be together and we can entertain more. I want front, back and side yards with varying amounts of sunlight/shade so I can alternate my gardens. I want a recycling and compost center built off the back deck…

You know, there may be something to this “saying what I want” thing…after all how else am I supposed to build my dream? ;)

We’re not really building a new house
Heck…I’m lucky that I have another week’s check coming in so I can pay for the one we have…my hours are almost nil and my hub lost his job in April.
I don’t really hate our house…we LOVE it, it does have the problems I mentioned but it’s home and it’s a work in progress and it really is the house that God gave us…(there’s a blog post of mine I could link here but I can’t find it right now).
But I am building a new house for my spirit and soul, so it’s time to clear the cobwebs and quit complaining about the construction and do something…something positive for myself because every time I tell myself what NOT to do…I get stuck.
Well no wonder…how do I know where to go if I don’t tell myself 

Just food for thought
Oh yeah…I’m changing that to
Just donut for thought
Coz donut shouldn’t be a 4 letter word
Oh never mind 


  1. but there comes a point when you have to stop saying "i want..." and change that to "i have..." and begin to feel like you already have it. otherwise you constantly stay in the state of wanting and never move to manifesting. actually, you already DO have it. HA! listen to us, eat your heart out deepak chopra and louise hay!

  2. I have no idea what's goin' on right now. (Don't forget to bring a towel!)
